GPN DATA Payment Page
For those in need of quick and uncomplicated integration, GPN DATA offers the GPN DATA Payment Page where a cardholder can be redirected from Merchants website to complete the transaction.

API Commands are send from merchant’s system to the Gateway with HTTP protocol. Request need to be sent to URL provided by GPN Data. Data is transmitted as POST parameter strrequest, which contain XML string with the API Command required details.
Description: Allows the merchant to submit a charge to the cardholder’s Credit Card and includes 3DS capability when 3DS is specified in the Merchant Agreement. (See Appendix for “3DS Explanation”).
Description: This applies only when Merchant Agreement is for 3DS and is a “followup” transaction to the 700 command when the results of the cardholder authentication have been returned by the Issuing Bank’s ACS.
Description: Allows the merchant to submit a request to capture an authorized only transaction previously submitted and approved using the 700 command.
Description: Allows the merchant to submit a request to cancel an authorized only transaction previously submitted and approved using the 700 command.
Description: Notifies the merchant about the result of a submitted charge as well as most other commands except for Credits (720), Refunds (760), Rebills (756) and received chargebacks, frauds, alerts and other disputes.
WooCommerce is an open source e-commerce plugin for WordPress that was launched on September 27, 2011. WooCommerce is designed for the small to medium-sized online merchant using WordPress. GPN DATA users can now integrate WordPress based WooCommerce systems with GPN DATA and receive payments.
OpenCart is an open source PHP-based online shopping cart system. A robust e-commerce solution for Internet merchants with the ability to create their own online business and participate in e-commerce at a minimal cost. OpenCart is designed feature rich, easy to use, search engine friendly and with a visually appealing interface. Opencart Module is now available. All Opencart users can integrate GPN DATA to their systems at any time.
Magento is an open source e-commerce web application that was launched on March 31, 2008 under the name Bento. Magento is a content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL for web hosting service, which was built using parts of the Zend Framework. It provides full support for object-oriented programming and Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, we implement such modules by our own team and offer them through our Website FREE.
Users of PrestaShop Can Integrate with secure GPN DATA Payment Gateway in time shorter than the blink of an eye, through recently released GPN DATA – PrestaShop Plug-in.
Visa®, MasterCard®, Maestro®, UnionPay®
Fraud mitigation programs leading to up to 90% savings
For those in need of quick and uncomplicated integration, GPN DATA offers the GPN DATA Payment Page where a cardholder can be redirected from Merchants website to complete the transaction.
The GPN DATA Payment Page is the method by which GPN DATA conducts secure CNP (Card Not Present) transactions when the Merchant either chooses not to provide the Payment Page or the Merchant site does not meet PCI requirements. The target audience of this document is the Programmer or IT Professional who will be integrating the GPN DATA Payment Page into the Merchant’s web site.
Once we receive permission from your Account Manager, you will receive an email with login credentials to your MBO on the PRODUCTION server.
You will be required to change the script src= from to the URL provided by TechSupport on each your buttoms.